
Candle Paraffin Wax

Suitable paraffin wax grade for candle making

Semi refined paraffin wax is the most common grade used in candle factories.

What is important in candle paraffin wax is color , odor and wax amount in it


Color of paraffin wax

The more white the color the better candle will be produced from the paraffin wax .

Some candles are white which is natural color of the paraffin wax but most of the time candle  factories add some industrial colors to it to manufacture colorful and more beautiful candles so when the paraffin wax color is white they can color it more easily and the candle color will be more shiny and beautiful

Color of paraffin wax is related to some factors like: color of the slack wax which is the raw material of the paraffin wax, clay which is used to de color the paraffin wax in factory and also the process of the de coloring which should be done with a good management and accuracy.

Odor of paraffin wax

Paraffin wax is a petroleum product and the natural odor is petrol odor which is not suitable for the candle, the odor will become less at the process of de oiling and de coloring slack wax to make paraffin wax

Sometimes some odor additives will be added too, at the time of burning odor of flower or other odors will be spread.

Paraffin wax oil content

Our min oil content paraffin wax is 0.5% , it can be higher to 7% oil content

The best quality is related to 0.5% and more oil content means yellow color and more odors. Some candle factories use both good quality and middle grades of paraffin wax to have higher price and cheap candles to have both markets.